World Cup!

Football fever! The greatest tournament in the world has returned and my eyes are glued to the TV. I have been watching excessive hockey and basketball playoffs, as well as plenty of baseball recently, but these games seem insignificant compared to the global stage of the quadrennial soccer tournament. The simplicity of the sport makes for great viewing, placing the athleticism of the competitors in focus and the game structure, two uninterrupted halves, limits our exposure to the dreaded corporate advertising that dominates American sports; how glorious to feel like a fan instead of a consumer!

The games are being played in South Africa and are dominated by the swarming buzz of the deafening vuvuzelas, a plastic horn played constantly by the fans. The effect is exciting and unnerving, building tension through the matches, which thus far have been characterized by good play, good commentary and good officiating. Over the next four weeks, euphoria and heartbreak will crash like waves over nations. A goal is a miraculous spring of pride for some and a devastating abyss of bleakness for others.

I was encouraged by the US team’s 1-1 draw against the British Empire yesterday; they played well and came very close to winning the contest a few times, but one point will suffice for now. If this team puts together a run deep into the tournament, perhaps the sport will gain a domestic audience and MLS will build its reputation as a world-class league. It remains the most popular recreational youth sport in America, but is overshadowed as a spectator sport by everything else, including NASCAR. I hope that one day, professional soccer will receive the respect it deserves here. I have dreams for a premier rugby league too, but that may be more of a stretch…



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