
I am fortunate that I have a job that pretty much just entails playing music with kids all day. Like any worthwhile job, it has its challenges, but I take so much joy from it because they give so much joy. It is so natural for them and they express themselves so beautifully; it inspires me so i do my best to inspire them. I work in different areas of early childhood music, from classes with parents and under-4 year olds to preschool settings and individual lessons. Sometimes I record our adventures on my iPhone. I wanted to share some with you. These are not polished but in the rawness lies their beauty. Enjoy.

Auld Lang Syne – Adam
11 17 09 04 27 – Michael
I’ll Follow The Sun – Julian

A few teachers asked me not to sing this song with the explanation that it seemed inappropriate for 4-5 year olds… What do you think?

Ring Of Fire


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