Who are you, Tiger Woods?

Here is yet another example of a prominent public figure destroying himself with illicit sex. Usually it is a politician doing the nasty with someone inappropriate and they are outed, publicly shamed and forced into exile. Tiger is not a politician, but if golf were a government, he would be king and his self-imposed exile is deeply troubling. His actions are sad, pathetic and infuriating and while I believe he has a right to a private life, he has no right to cheat on his wife. As fans, we are also involved in a relationship with him and while we could never possibly be hurt in the same way as his wife, he has definitely done us wrong. Interestingly, although he would be sentenced to death in some cultures, he didn’t actually commit a crime in the U.S.A.; he just acted like a big jerk. It was stupid and selfish and he deserves to feel miserable about it but I also believe that if he accepts his mistakes and uses them as motivation to become a better person, he deserves a second chance and that our society will once again rally around his awesome athleticism. I hope to be inspired by Tiger once again…


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