What’s New?

In a tree in the Green-Wood Cemetery across from my balcony is a Robin’s nest I have been binocularing in on and today I saw three little beaks open above the lip of the nest to be fed from mom. It was beautiful.

It is hard to believe its been a month since I last wrote here, but it has been a month full of good entertainment. We saw some great Theatre (Blackwatch, Under Construction, Warhorse, Sister Act and seeing Sleep No More tonight), have experienced some great outdoor Brooklyn events (Fifth Ave Street Fair and Food Truck Rally), started watching HBO’s Game of Thrones, have almost caught up in time for Season 4 of AMC’s Breaking Bad, and finished reading The Hunger Games series. We have dined with friends and family and filled our lives with merriment in celebration of Spring and anticipation of Summer, which promises several more wonderful months, including August in India! Four weeks with Alaina and Saric (Sarah&Eric) through Mumbai, Kerala, Calcutta, Varanasi, Delhi and Ladakh will be exciting and challenging, delicious and nauseating, inspiring and heartbreaking; a transcendent adventure of a lifetime.


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