What a Weekend

The past 3 days have been jam packed with goodness. There was a flood of Taylors into the city for the action, which began with The Brooklyn Museum show (see below) on Thursday night. Friday was my show at Monkeytown, which was a great experiment in the unique venue and hopefully the first of more evenings there. Saturday was Halloween, which has to be my favorite holiday for the fun and zaniness that defines the night. While I used to love it because of the booty stash I collected and hoarded for months, I now just love a good reason to dress wacky and I am always inspired by the creativity on display throughout the city.
Sunday was the 40th running of the New York City Marathon and I was inspired by all of the 40,000 people who ran the 26.2 miles through the five boroughs, but I was especially inspired by my sister, who ran her first marathon and looked great doing it. Mom, Dad and I saw her at three points, at mile 7 in Brooklyn, mile 16 just over the Queensboro bridge and mile 26 in Central Park. I was amazed at the spring in her step and smile on her face every time she passed us, and while running has never been an activity I enjoy, I could understand the excitement and satisfaction she must have felt in completing the course. It is always an extraordinary day in the city and I love cheering on strangers in their personal quests, but this race was extra special; I am extremely proud of my sister and her strides of glory!

1 Comment

  1. Caitlin

    I also love this post!!! Thank you for being an incredibly supportive brother. I loved coming down 4th avenue and seeing your crazy hair and hearing your cowbell… and then twice more!! I can’t believe you guys staked out 3 different spots. So impressed. You are the best, I love you!!

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