Weekend Update

I love my job. Teaching music to kids all day is awesome and my workweek is Monday – Friday with siestas most days. It is very satisfying work, but while I love doing it, I l also love not doing it. The weekend is so crucial and this weekend was MLK Day so the time was increased by 50%. I took advantage. Friday night was a final blow out at Monkeytown. I will always remember that space as the site of special times and will miss VJing and being inside the giant video projection box. I can only hope to find a suitable alternative soon…

Monkeytown R.I.P.

Saturday was a day of travel to the Adirondacks, where Phil was having a final celebration of bachelorhood with the men in his life. It featured the requisite Poker, Beer Pong and Asshole tournaments, as well as a nerf dart gun to add just a little bit of danger. It also involved a day of skiing at Gore Mountain and although they had not had snow in over two weeks, the slopes were well covered. Even in the trees there was a good base, and I always love some rocks and ice mixed in to add that classic Eastern element…

North Creek, NY

Monday I returned to Brooklyn and added a new member to our family. Lynx was adopted on January 18, 2010 so he now shares a birthday into my life with Caitlin! He is an amazing kitten and I am excited to give him a great cat’s life.


1 Comment

  1. Caitlin

    I want to see more Lynx pics!! He is so cute! And we can celebrate our birthdays together!

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