
What a wonderful reason to bring your friends together and have a party: for we are in love forever! Folks will travel great distances to be present for this official declaration and the ensuing celebration can be a transcendent joy. This past weekend featured an unfortunate conflict of lovefests: Dan & Tekela in Wisconsin or Dave & Kelly in Warwick (great place to get married!). Lake Geneva, WI was filled with boats, beaches, beer, blunts and buddies and we gorged ourselves on Chef Daniel’s amazing appetizers, complemented by cheese and fried everything. And while we were forced to choose between the two events, the competition brought some great Western talent to the East Coast and we were able to host some great friends whom we rarely see; two of my favorite Middlebury boys, Marty of Montana and Bill of Oakland, along with their lovely ladies book-ended the weekend with a night in Brooklyn. It is a matter of hours with these weekend congregations, with months or perhaps years until we will meet again, but friendship and love fear not time and distance!


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