Vermont Land

Since leaving Middlebury, I have had a insatiable need to return to Vermont as often as possible. It is a beautiful and inspiring place to be and absolutely necessary as a counterbalance to my life in the city. I have always dreamed of owning some raw and natural Land somewhere and recently the dream became reality with the purchase of 11.5 acres in Chester for $7,500. It is cheap and steep. A brook runs through the bottom of the property and the hillside shoots up a few hundred feet to a gentler slope that could have nice views with some clearing. The steep bank means driveway potential is nearly nil, though a neighbor has generously agreed to allow foot and horse access. While conventional building potential is limited, it meets all the criteria of a perfect weekend campsite for our family. It is a long term (lifetime!) project to slowly increase our comfort level in all conditions and there is lots of work to be done but I look forward to doing it!IMG_4841 IMG_4834 IMG_4828


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