The Movement

Today was incredible and deeply inspiring. The people appealed beautifully and powerfully for Women and against our newly inaugurated president, who has disrespected, disparaged and expressed disdain for the entire gender. After months of dark anxiety and absolute dejection, this was the only possible antidote; a rallying cry from millions of American patriots rejecting the fraud and deception now in the White House and demanding decency, respect and compassion for all people.

Alaina got on a bus this morning to be in D.C. for the main event, so I packed Ivy and Miles into the double stroller and, bearing through weekend-disrupted service on three subways in absolutely packed stairwells and cars, emerged from Grand Central into a great crush of humanity with purely positive energy; marching, chanting, singing while uniting in solidarity and commitment to the cause. It was instantly obvious that this massive and powerful engagement will ultimately overwhelm the evil forces currently attempting to steal our country. I, with my years of anti-war protests of the GWB era, was very impressed with the display, and I could tell that my children, who have obviously never seen anything like this, were absolutely amazed at the sheer glory of this event.

Personally, I always need to find something positive in anything negative. I seek balance in my life, and I have been dizzy and free-falling through this period, wondering what would catch me and when, how I could ever recover my personal peace, and why we now find ourselves in this position. I saw the answer today. I have no doubt that this movement will grow and save us, giving us firm ground to stand on in our battle for truth and justice, freedom and equality. We will recover from this crisis and rise to greater heights as a Liberal Democracy. I have never been more proud to be an American. With reverence to those who built our Nation and with duty to those for whom we will continue to build, I dedicate my soul to this progressive movement!


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