The First Thanksgiving

This may rank as my best Thanksgiving ever. I don’t really remember the first five or ten of my life and Ivy may someday overlook it in her list of greatest Fourth-Thursday-in-Novembers, but I can’t think of another incarnation of this Holiday that brought together such delicious food and incredible expanding family. We spent Thursday in Armonk with Alaina’s family and a beautifully prepared, classic spread of Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Potatoes, Cranberry and Incredible Pies. Ivy is the newest addition to the next generation on this side, with six cousins under 13. It is a fun crew and I always enjoy hanging at the kids’ table but this year I brought a guitar and some instruments and we had a blast jamming “Eye of The Tiger”, “Roar” and some original compositions!

We finished our desert and I drank lots of coffee then got in the car and drove to Portland, Maine, to spend time with the Taylors. It was the first time cousins Lincoln and Ivy met and their grandparents could not have been happier to be surrounded by the growing family; they were thrilled to babysit so we could experience the new Hugo’s! Recently renovated into a stunning open-kitchen bar, we sat in front of my cousin Lars and watched him artfully create our dishes with the dance of kitchen activity behind as servers presented us with delicious and uniquely perfect taste combinations. Andrew has mastered the art and succeeds brilliantly in this restaurant, as well as the one next door, Eventide Oyster Company, which the whole family was able to enjoy on Saturday, and of course in his Thanksgiving meal home cooking which we all enjoyed for days! Complemented with epic paddle tennis matches, log cabin living, family sing-a-longs, and a long walk in the woods with Ivy asleep on my chest made this holiday celebration perfect. I Give Thanks!


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