
I am wrapping up a nice week-long vacation for the harvest, including the feast known as Thanksgiving, which was spent at The Amazing Elias’ home in Armonk, NY. Every year they offer a beautiful bounty and great in-law company, which includes their three rapidly expanding grand-families. I am fortunate to have married into such a wonderful family, which also includes my mother-in-law who recently built an amazing home in Warwick, NY at the site of our wedding, The Land. The house is beautifully designed on the vanguard of eco-friendly building and is inspiring to be inside.

There is a piano there and my phone records all…

Land Improv

1 Comment

  1. Caitlin

    This sounds great and all… but we really really missed you and Alaina at the Taylor/Cochrane Thanksgiving. I love you guys– can’t wait for Christmas!!

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