Colorado Taylors

Ivy took her second plane trip this weekend and she did phenomenally well! Despite a few piercing shrieks (including several that echoed through the cavernous tent at Denver International Airport) she was a great companion through the rigors of travel. She was also supremely well behaved at the wedding and reception–especially considering we completely abandoned any semblance of her normal routine and schedule. We were there for cousin Anna and her dude Kaulin, celebrating their love in Littleton, Colorado, and the Taylor turnout was very impressive, including Mommom and her four sons, their spouses and 11/12 of the cousins! It is a truly wonderful family and although full congregations are rare, I always appreciate their company. In Denver, we visited the Zoo, took a Stranahan’s Whiskey distillery tour and enjoyed the novel experience of browsing a recreational pot shop. The local scenery was awesome and the long weekend afforded us extra time to enjoy the surroundings, taking several hikes through the stunning rocks that jut from the plains at the very base of the Rocky Mountains. I am always inspired by these tectonic masses and look forward to visiting again in the winter with a few days on my skis!





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