Sydling St. Nicholas

I choose to live in the city for many reasons, mainly its efficiency and culture, but there are also some crucial deficiencies to life in Brooklyn, namely tranquility and nature. Luckily, I have some very special homes away from home, one of which is the lovely village of Sydling St. Nicholas in Dorset, England where Alaina’s grandparents reside. This is beautiful countryside of rolling hills occupied mostly by cows and sheep with tiny human hamlets in the valleys. In the city, it is the immensity of our buildings that inspires me; in the country, it is the immensity of space. Living in such close proximity to so many people forces us city dwellers to turn inwards and guard our personal space closely. I love people and communication, but oftentimes I find myself introverting and wearing mental blinders to the chaos that surrounds me. Seeing the complete sky is almost impossible walking through canyons of human construction so when I travel somewhere that the sky arcs like a dome from horizon to horizon I can finally look outward. Being part of this environment reminds me of our planet’s true scope and gives me perspective.

G and Grand
Little Paddock

Much Love to G and Grand for hosting us and being so incredibly generous and kind and insprirationally lovely! Gail and Kevin and Piera also deserve praise and gratitude for making it so Bucklandtastic. And of course, my Alaina… for being the best wife in the whole wide world and bringing me into her amazing clan!


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