Summer Travels 2011

In a few hours, we bid adieu to Brooklyn and embark on a transcontinental adventure. Our first stop is Sydling St. Nicholas, Dorset, England to spend a week with G and Grand Buckland and the English side of Alaina’s family. From there, we continue around the globe to India, where we will travel with Sarah and Eric for four weeks, exploring Kerala and the South first, followed by a trip to the North into the mountains. I have a basic sense of what we will be doing, but almost no idea what sort of experiences await. That is adventure! Unexpected surprises, tricks and treats, eye-opening and mind-expanding cultural sights sounds and smells are what I live for and this trip has awesome potential for life-enriching wisdom cultivation.

I will be carrying my laptop for audio/visual creation and will post here whenever possible. Off we go!


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