Spring 18

Winter is definitely done. Last week was absolutely perfect temperature with glorious sunshine and this week has been a mega drenching with even more liquid on the horizon. I biked through the most intense storm front yesterday, which delivered some tornado features in areas north of the city; the rain was heavy, but the wind whipping copious pollen and assorted debris in my eyes was ridiculous.

I realize that I have slid into a once-every-two-months pace of writing here. I’m gonna be fine with that. I began occasionally typing words here 12 years ago on June 1, 2006 and it has evolved since then. As have I. Time is warped and looking back it has many different speeds. I started out posting 5-10 times a month and it has dwindled to nary a whisper, yet my life has grown infinitely richer as time thickens and accelerates.

I still find time to make music, though. And I post that much more than I ever did.









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