Shakespeare In The Park

The man could write. His works are still the standard by which all theatre is judged. Every play is epic; a dense thicket involving love, betrayal, violence and wisdom. The characters are the grandest ideals or darkest corners of our own psyche and play out macrocosms of the subtle moral conflicts we engage daily. Every word he writes carries ten more words’ worth of meaning and twist the plot dizzyingly. It is great literature and scintillating theatre.

Alaina is hooked up at Central Park’s Delacourt Theatre, which means we don’t have to queue up beforehand for the always free tickets. Last night was Measure For Measure and it was great. Outdoor Theatre is always more exciting because of all the variables; inside, every aspect of the experience can be tightly controlled, but when you let nature play a role, she will. Bats, birds and airplanes buzz overhead while the wind breathes through the trees in the background as the sun sets and the lighting evolves, focusing the drama on stage in front of our mind’s eye.


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