Propellerhead Record

This blog is written irregularly for sure, but when almost two weeks go by with no word from me, I am concerned. Where have I been these first few weeks of March, if not dutifully transcribing my every move on the ORG? It turns out I have been in front of my computer for most of that time, playing with a new piece of software that is SO MUCH FUN! I have been a user of Propellerhead’s synth rack emulator Reason for a long time; it is an amazing studio tool with unlimited sound synthesizing potential, but it has always been limited by its lack of audio capabilities, meaning I had to use another program (Ableton Live) to record guitars and vocals. At last, Reason has incorporated audio into its brilliant interface, streamlining my studio “gear” and making music creation and recording an effortless and organic endeavor. I figured out the basics of the new aspects and in the past 4 days, I made these recordings.


I Dream of Waking Up

Poach the Poachers

Upsidedown Underground

I love computers for lots of reasons, but in my world it is the unlimited free studio time that makes me happiest.


  1. Hey there,
    I was reading your blog post and then listened to your tracks, and they’re very nice. Had to say that. I’m assuming you used Thor for the pad sounds in Insomnia? I too love a good sense of ambience and make tracks using Record and Reason as well. I also have a blog if you’re interested in reading some of my thoughts about how to use Reason and Record creatively. Thanks for sharing your music and your insights.

    All my best,

  2. sjt

    Thanks, dude. Great site you’ve got there as well (; serious dedication to this incredible software. I love your creative applications of standard devices and will be checking in regularly to see what’s new. I look forward to hearing more of your work.

  3. SJT,
    I’ll be checking in on you from time to time as well. If you have any interesting designs in Reason or Record, let me know and I can always see about posting them on my site.

    All my best,

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