Phish 3D and The Bloody Bloody Band

3D technology is everywhere and I think we can safely say it has proven itself beyond a gimmick. It truly enhances the visual experience even without the original cliched application of sharks and other objects popping into your face. Phish 3D is the best look I’ve ever had at my favorite band, bringing the audience onstage with incredible depth and perspective, allowing visual details that would be invisible to anyone at the show and some that would be unseen even in a 2D format; I saw what their “farewell” show in 2004 simulcast in a theater, and this blew it away. Watching Trey’s fingers rip the guitar from 5 feet; peering over Page’s shoulder as he navigates his keyboard universe; watching Mike’s hair and seeing Fishman smile is such an unbelievably fun way to experience a concert. Of course, something is definitely lost in comfortable cinema seating, and being a part of a crowd’s energy can’t be enhanced or even remotely replicated by wearing magic glasses… which is why I was fortunate to see the Bloody Bloody Band play immediately after.

Post-show on Sundays, the cast and band of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson have been throwing together a comedy and music variety show and, being the amazingly talented group that they are, the nights are brilliant, featuring great stand-up comedy with a sizzling band blowing up the tiny space at Jimmy’s No. 43. It is an hysterical dance-athon and sing-along that reminds me of mankind’s innate love of fun.

1 Comment

  1. Samantha

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