One Week

Seven days we’ve spent with her and I am still out of my mind with joy and happiness. There have been some challenging moments but most of the time is bliss, enjoying the simple company of this child as she sleeps serenely or opens her eyes wide and sees the world unbiased and pure. She is so sweet and delicate as I hold her in my arms and have no choice but to nuzzle her nose and kiss the softest skin I could ever imagine. I am completely in love.

I have always loved being around kids and looked forward to having one of own, but this is so much greater than I ever imagined. The anticipation for this event has been building for years, and especially over the past 10 months. Every parent I have ever spoken to has described the birth of their child as incredible and amazing and life-changing and I wondered if it could possibly live up to the hype: I can say now that all that hyperbole is an understatement. Watching her emerge from inside the person I love most on Earth invokes a feeling I can never hope to describe. I remember it vividly in such rich detail, as if I am still watching it; I screamed then I wept. Love, the most beautiful emotion and deepest core of my life, multiplied instantly and infinitely. I left my body and entered the cosmos.

The euphoria still lingers today, though quotidian newborn maintenance brings me back to my corporal self enough to change diapers or visit the doctor. I can watch her sleep for hours in blissful serenity, with every face scrunch and leg stretch delivering raw, fresh and pure joy to my beautifully enriched life.

How is this even possible? And why?

Life is amazing beyond our ability to describe it. I am grateful to my parents for creating me and blessed to create Ivy with Alaina. Life is ever-expanding eternal Love.


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