Miles Acadia Taylor

My son is born! In LDR 4 at Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn on December 8, 2015 at 10:03, Alaina brought Miles into life. Through an act of courage, strength and love, she nurtured him into existence. There is nothing mankind has ever created or accomplished that can equal the beautiful and heroic act of creating, growing and birthing a baby, performed by every mother on the planet for every single person. The dads have a small part in the beginning (which I thoroughly enjoyed!), and hopefully more once the umbilical cord is cut (which I had the honor of doing!), but carrying and laboring a child is unfathomably difficult and absolutely vital. Miles may never comprehend or completely appreciate what his mom endured for his development from nothing to everything, but I will always be infinitely grateful and worship her sacrifice and dedication in the name of life and love. I hope that over the course of his lifetime, I can offer even a tiny fraction of the support he received in the womb straight from his mother’s heart. He has already touched me with pure and eternal love and I want to give it all back to him as the best dad he could possibly imagine. It’s a beautiful life and I am so incredibly lucky and excited to share it with Miles!



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