
From Cape Cod to Maine for the final leg of my summer travels…

Portland has been blessed by the arrival of Andrew and Rachel last summer. Rachel is involved in the art community there and I attended a vibrant outdoor fair in which she and other local artists set up booths to display and vend their wares, while bands rocked the stage in beautiful weather. We then hit up Hugo’s Restaurant, where Andrew is Chef de Cuisine and indulged in gastronomic delight with his absurd tasting menu. Both of them are incredibly creative and passionate artists and have settled into a wonderful life in Maine.

My parents celebrated their 40th (!) anniversary on 8/29/10 and joined their kids and spouses in Portland for a great dinner at Fore Street–the second best restaurant in Portland!–and we thanked them for getting married and raising us in the past 2/3rds of their life. I can not say enough about how much they have done for me; I literally owe them my life! Their marriage is an inspiration and I hope to someday match their accomplishments. Thank You and I Love You!

Three days at the family cabin on Mt. Desert Island with hiking, biking, swimming, grilling, chilling, and audio/visual creating may become a Stephen law: Minimum three days required every Summer with non-compliance punishable by no cabin time!

And to wrap it up, two days on North Haven island at the annual Lobster Ball, in which we gorge ourselves on Lobster and other assorted delicacies and enjoy one final jolt of Summer before steeling ourselves for Fall…

And Summer is done! It is especially hard to say goodbye to this summer because it has been one of my best ever. There was zero work involved for the past three months so it was pure freedom; great traveling, incredible food, amazing friends and family and inspiring nature. But as perfect as the summer was, there is a part of me that craves work (and cash!) and I am looking forward to the next 9 months of making music with children, of learning from them and experiencing their joy. Until next Summer!


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