Land 11

Since before I knew her and before her parents knew, Alaina has been hosting parties in Warwick, NY. Six years ago, we were married on that property and The Land Party is one of my biggest annual highlights. It is a chance to relax and party with friends and family in a beautiful setting with woods and a pond. We camp, cook out and play music deep into the night. It provides a sense of freedom that I rarely have in my life and I take full advantage. This year’s party was a three-day extravaganza over July 4 weekend and it was, if I were ranking them, one of the all-time best. It is a lot of work to organize an event that will cater to about 100 people, but luckily, my wife is the best stage manager in the world and makes it seem effortless. While it may be hard to cook for so many people, it is always worth it when the crew is so fantastic. This year brought many strangers to the property (I estimated at one point that I had met about 1/3 of them before) but all of them brought a great attitude and sense of adventure to the party. The music was a great collection of Jammy?OK! singalongs, Supergood freestyle and DJ sets to satisfy all tastes. It is wonderful to share this experience with anyone who appreciates it and I am already looking forward to Land 12!

Intensity in Tent city

1 Comment

  1. Maddie


    I love your aural goodness section! If possible I would love to use one of your songs (“for mom”) in a short video I’m making for my portfolio. How do I download the song? For some reason my computer won’t let me download when I right click on it. Any chance you could send it to me?


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