Gowanus Canal Canoe + Underwater New York

The Gowanus is pretty nasty. It is an industrial waterway through Brooklyn that collects some extremely grimy artifacts from the city and brings them to the bottom, or in the case of condoms (Gowanus Ghost Fish), float them to the top. It has been designated as a Superfund EPA site, and according to their website:

As a result of years of discharges, storm water runoff, sewer outflows and industrial pollutants the Gowanus Canal has become one of the nation’s most extensively contaminated water bodies. Contaminants impacting the canal include PCBs, coal tar wastes, heavy metals and volatile organics. The contamination of the canal poses a threat to the nearby residents who use the canal for fishing and recreation.

It is no joke, and it is crucial that we don’t neglect it any longer. The Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club is dedicated to its enjoyment and preservation and tonight they hosted their annual fundraiser party featuring BBQ, Beer and Boats. Sandro, always the urban adventurist, has been a member for years (for $50, anyone can have access to the gear) and I finally got to join him on a moonlit journey exploring nautical Brooklyn. The water actually seemed to have some life in it, with lots of surface fish activity, and we passed a pair of Night Herons doing their one-legged stand on the bank, not to mention the human parties which have crept into the formerly abandoned area. It seems possible that with some time and energy, this area could thrive once again; not in the same industrial way, but with the vitality that comes from its enjoyment.

On a related note, I will be performing a song at the Underwater New York Launch Party, this Wednesday Oct. 7 from 7-10pm. The event involves writers, artists and musicians creating around the theme of objects lying at the bottom of New York waters. Check out the work at www.underwaternewyork.com/.
Join us on The Frying Pan, a vessel that once sat on the bottom of the ocean and now maintains its barnacle encrusted interior as a reminder of its dark past!

1 Comment

  1. I am enjoying this very much. Charming but not priueocs, clever without taking itself too seriously. Pokes fun at Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe without being dismissive. I am looking forward to my flight because of this book. Thank you!

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