Good Grief

It wasn’t a moment, but it happened fast
Before the final seconds passed
When the truth became the past
Eternal facts will always last

This can’t be real so I deny it
A cosmic joke A real riot
To myself I’d rather lie
Than know the pain I’d rather die

And then I seethe in exploding rage
The Beast is screaming in his cage
My body clenches and thrashes inside
Nothing stings like wounded pride

I make a plea for simple perspective
Seeking solace in the nice life I live
A happy past and a hopeful future
But the present always looms larger

Sadness overwhelms and dulls me
Depression reaches up and pulls me
Down to the depths of despair and dread
And no other thoughts will fill my head

Then it strikes me that it’s true
And there’s nothing I can do
Tomorrow is another day
Acceptance is the only way

It wasn’t what I wanted to see
But it is simply what came to be
Vince Lombardi’s glorious trophy
Not to New England but to New Jersey

[audio:|titles=Good Grief]


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