Giving Thanks

I know I am incredibly fortunate to live the life I live; I am grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had and look forward to ones I will have in the future. When I try to wrap my head around why I am so lucky, it always comes back to my family… I mean, WOW! My parents have always been incredibly supportive and generous, providing me with everything and more, plus a brother and sister, who in turn have married/will marry two exceptionally wonderful people from Maine. This weekend was an extended family gathering in Cumberland, beginning with a surprise Tool Shower for future brother-in-law Sam. Featuring three generations on both sides of his family, I now understand why Sam is an impossibly good dude and how lucky he and Caitlin are to have found each other. It also featured a chainsaw artist, who took a log and used one of the least delicate tools out there to carve a work of art…

The next day was spent laying down hardwood flooring in Andrew and Rachel’s home; a daunting task for any homeowner, but with Rachel’s amazing family, it was a fun project done at lightning speed. Her parents and sisters with their respective husbands/future husbands (plus me, Sam and Caitlin) installed over 600 sq. ft. of floor and had a great time doing it. The Cochranes are also an incredible complement to the Taylors; the love that Andrew and Rachel have created spills into my life and I am lucky to be able to share it with this extended family.

Of course, I am unable to fully express my utter astonishment and gratitude to Alaina for bringing me into her family. Over the years, they have proven themselves – both Greene/Elias and Buckland families – to be as caring and generous as my own clan. Thanksgiving is an annual gathering at the Elias’ and is always a great opportunity to catch up and watch the next generation grow up.

Family is Amazing. Long Live Love!


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