
In the half of my lifetime that I have been working, I have been relieved of my duties twice. The first was at my very first job at an ice cream store, where I was accused of scooping kids cones too big. While she did have a point, I maintain that she was also completely crazy and not a person that I wanted to be working for anyway. The second time came last week, when I was told by a certain Upper East Side preschool that my one-day-a-week contract would not be renewed because “movement is more than just running and jumping”. I was shocked; I have been teaching at this school for three years and the director who delivered this news is in her first year. I probably should have been worried when the only criticism she ever gave me on my classes was that I was not allowed to sing Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire”… It hurt me to think that I would not be working with the many teachers and kids that I truly love there but luckily, I am confident that I am a very well appreciated teacher everywhere else I work and that this was just a personal issue this woman had with me; I take it personally but only in relation to her. It’s their loss…

And so I move on. I was so lucky to find my work and the path it has taken me on over the past 8 years. I love music and I love kids and I have so many other venues to enjoy this experience that I refuse to let this situation have anything but positive effects on my life.

Perhaps I should thank her?


  1. Michelle

    You are an amazing teacher- I bet she couldn’t find a kid to disagree.

  2. Milky

    As Annie will certainly attest, preschool education is rife with unqualified, incompetent management. Don’t take it personally – we all know your Supergoodness will be enthusiastically welcomed by a school run by people who actually know what they’re doing!

  3. ler7

    you can play ring of fire anytime at music together—we will be in your class this spring so ROCK ON!!!!

  4. sjt

    Thanks! I love being subversive!

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