Delivering Happiness

Caitlin sent me a link to an interview with Tony Hsieh, CEO of discussing his upcoming book. She wrote this note:

This interview reminded me of you because you’re happy and enjoy spreading happiness to others. That’s why I love ya!!

That is probably the nicest compliment I’ve ever gotten! What else is there besides happiness? It is the only real currency… all else is just a means of achieving it. And who better to spread this message than one of the richest men in the world? He gets it; he has accomplished more in the technology and business world than most and has virtually unlimited wealth, yet his overarching theme is the pursuit of happiness. His philosophy is based on culture and promoting positive experiences, for vendor, customer and employee, being transparent with everybody involved in the process, thus building trust and a stable, self-sustaining relationship. Win-win-win. The game is not about maximizing profits, but about maximizing happiness. He values friendship and cultivates his “tribe” with a party-hearty lifestyle, fueled by vodka, redbull and other assorted happy-makers. Being connected, both to people and to a larger purpose in life, is essential in the quest for a life fulfilled.

The link included an offer to receive an advance copy of the book, to be published on June 7, for bloggers. That’s me! They sent two copies, with the suggestion of a giveaway, and so I will give a copy to the first two comments with an idea for how we can spread Supergood! culture and maximize happiness in a new way.


  1. Milky

    I had no idea vodka and Red Bull was responsible for the foundation of a shoe empire! As for ideas, I always like to know people’s favorite songs/drinks/movies/etc. There should be a succinct way of connecting things like that, so that we can easily share with each other that which brings us the most joy… as a DJ, I get a lot of joy out of other people getting all joyous when they hear their favorite song being played. If there were some sort of iPhone-type app where I could see (among the people around me with iPhones) what their favorite songs were without even having to ask, that would be amazing!

  2. sjt

    Nice idea! A general cultural sharing app or text service that constantly sends and receives information to those around you. A DJ could definitely benefit from that one, and a good, well-informed DJ always delivers happiness. You are already great at what you do–harnessing that intimate knowledge of your audience would make you a superhero…

    I will deliver your book at our next encounter, which hopefully and probably will involve me dancing like a lunatic to mutually appreciated music!

    I still have another copy… any other ideas?

  3. Caitlin

    I just saw this. Thank you for being an incredible brother and for spreading happiness to people every day. I can’t wait to see you tonight!

  4. sjt

    You are the greatest sister ever! You definitely deserve a copy of this book!

    If anyone else has a comment contribution about spreading Supergoodness, I will pick out another awesome book just for you…

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