Sun, Snow and Steve

Alaina and I were married 20 years ago in June, and as a celebration, we took a family trip to Puerto Rico. We went with friends 8 years ago, and stayed in San Juan for excellent food and culture, but this time we brought the kids and drove out to Isabela; we explored the beaches of the region, including Mar Chiquita, Playa Jobos, Crash Boat Beach, and made a jaunt down to the surfing capital of Rincon. We visited the beautiful Cascada Gozolandia, a series of waterfalls and swimming holes in the jungle, rode horses on the beach and ate…

Fall 24

Northeast USA, Earth weather and temperatures are in the sweet spot now, cool and mellow. The seasonal passage into Fall is always appreciated, although it is accompanied by an absolute hurricane of repopulated schedules and quotidian commitments. The past several weeks have felt like months as our family clambers back into our routine. I am glad we return to such great schools and work, but it is quite an orchestration to get everybody synced. Ivy has ventured into Middle School, which is exciting and involves a new independence, while Miles has joined his first organized sports team, Flag Football, and…

Summer 2024: Entertainment and Recreation

It's hot! Brooklyn is blazing right now and I am baking in this atmospheric energy. Fortunately I have enjoyed ample time off and have ensconced to cooler climes frequently over the past month. Our annual Taylor convention in Maine is always a highlight and while our general itinerary is the same; great company of siblings, parents, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles and cousins, fantastic food, boating, fishing, island camping in Casco Bay, hiking in Acadia and relaxing at the cabin, we somehow manage to improve it every year and enjoy it even more as the nine cousins rise in…


Ever since I learned that a total solar eclipse would pass through Northern New York and Vermont on April 8, 2024, I felt compelled to go. I had seen a few partial eclipses, but never experienced totality; it seemed like this might be my best (if not only) chance to see one in my lifetime. So I was determined, considering different options to be in an observational position. We decided on an excursion to Montreal, Quebec, Canada, which lay at the Northern edge of the path, with a plan to drive South and catch it along the centerline near Plattsburgh.…


Last night, we had a movie date: dinner and "In The Heights" at the local Nitehawk Cinema. We have watched countless movies at home during the pandemic, but returning to a theater was monumental! Sharing the experience with strangers, laughing and cheering while being served delicious food and beverages, felt like a real return to the community that I love and missed over the past 15 months; I look forward to more concerts and theatre in the near future! I have shifted into summer mode, with reduced work schedule and expanded travel plans. Vaccination rates are high and COVID levels…

Four Months

Time felt rapid and compressed for the past four months and I haven't found (made) time to post here, but I am about to embark on a two-week excursion to visit Buckland family in Warwick, then Taylors in Cape Cod and Maine. I have about 150 minutes before I leave without anyone home to distract me, so I figure this is my chance to put something down here before it becomes five months... I don't take a lot of notes on my daily activities so I'm looking over my photos from the past four months to see what happened and…

Then and Now

Life was different before kids! I lived for myself and the activities I loved, especially music, skiing, sports, travel and friends. Children can make it harder to find time for hobbies and passions, but they can also make those activities even more enjoyable as you teach and share your joy with a beginner. My career has been a training ground and now it's personal: I'm doing everything I can to instill a love of music in Ivy and Miles. I just really hope they are inspired by melody, harmony and rhythm. Likewise skiing. I absolutely need them to like skiing…

Door to Door

From my point of view, we are in a dire political situation in this county that requires an immediate correction. The stakes are incredibly high in this midterm election and races all around the country are converging on election day, November 6, to determine our future vector. Beyond reading Twitter and freaking myself out, I have not personally made any effort to convince anyone else to vote until today. Luckily, Alaina has been fully committed to the cause of encouraging citizens to make good decisions at the ballot box and today she brought me to Mastic Beach, Long Island, to…

Fall From Summer

Autumn is undeniably here. The air is cool and my scholastic schedule returns. The shift back to work mode can be a bit bumpy and this year it has been inflamed by an infected corneal laceration sustained by my own fingernail while getting Miles dressed for the Sean and Kate’s wedding in France. But after a few weeks of adjusting to classes and schedules plus eight opthalmologist appointments, I am pain-free and ready to play music with kids! Sometimes it takes a break or an injury to come back and appreciate how wonderful it can be to work and be…

England and Scotland

We just returned from an incredible Buckland family trip to the U.K., first visiting G and Grand in Dorset, followed by a two-day overland voyage through London, Glasgow and The Highlands to The Isle of Raasay, a remote island of The Inner Hebrides with ferry access from Isle of Skye. The  beauty escalated throughout the journey with stunning vistas in every direction; endless open fields, lochs and mountains jutting out of the Sea. And at the furthest reaches of pavement on Raasay, we settled into Arnish cottage, supplied electrically by Wind and Sun, and made it our base for exploring…