My Phone Is Instrumental!

It must be incredibly annoying to hear iPhone users constantly raving about how amazing these little devices are, so I'm sorry that you need to hear more about it from me, but without any hyperbole, I can say that this is the most incredible anything that I've ever owned. It would be pretty lame and pointless to describe everything I love about this machine, so I will limit myself to fawning over the instrument apps... Drums, piano, guitar, ukulele and synths all in my pocket and I am never bored again. I make music anywhere. Though I have never owned…

iPhone Revolution

I just made the iPhone transition and am currently testing my new mobile posting capabilities. I feel liberated! I am sure that soon the thought of a phone that simply places calls will seem quaint as we progress toward full computing power in the palm of our hand. Someday we will tell our children about the mobile computer revolution and they will marvel at our life before personal pocket omniscient machines. Even today, seven years after I purchased my first cell phone, I can hardly comprehend how I must have lived my life in the dark ages of ground lines.…


Comments! This site has been far too autocratic for it's entire existence. It is time for democracy (not complete democracy of course, since only I have admin powers, but at least you can have your say now). Please speak freely. I hope that ideas will be shared and supergoodness will swell. Thank you for your patience as I learn this new software. It is incredibly powerful and dynamic, but I am still just an advanced beginner. I hope to make the site sizzle soon.

Blog 2.0

I have finally made the plunge into Wordpress blogging software.