Sun, Snow and Steve

Alaina and I were married 20 years ago in June, and as a celebration, we took a family trip to Puerto Rico. We went with friends 8 years ago, and stayed in San Juan for excellent food and culture, but this time we brought the kids and drove out to Isabela; we explored the beaches of the region, including Mar Chiquita, Playa Jobos, Crash Boat Beach, and made a jaunt down to the surfing capital of Rincon. We visited the beautiful Cascada Gozolandia, a series of waterfalls and swimming holes in the jungle, rode horses on the beach and ate…


The count grows. 2024...2025. Our midnight countdown celebration occurred once again with friends in a stove-heated party garage in Vermont, including our kids, finally able to stay up for the official EST demarcation. Same place, same people, same time for most of the past decade, although we have all changed considerably during that time. A tradition of similar but different experiences, layered like evolving archeological strata in our cyclical memories. We skied, at Middlebury and Pico, and the kids are finally keeping up and charging ahead. I must be getting old. Christmas with my family in Maine is one of…

He Won

Alaina spoke these words to me as I woke up on Wednesday morning and I was seized with dread and despair. As Tuesday night had descended into a familiar darkness, my hope waned and I recognized the very real possibility that the result might be tragically terrible; I wrestled with the potential outcome throughout my fitful sleep, but it was not until the morning that I fully accepted the bleak and horrific reality. Two days later, I am still tortured by our country's choice and am experiencing deep sadness, anger, confusion, disgust, and fear; I imagine what horrors await us…

Boston 4.15.13

I was born in Boston, raised in Newton, and although I have displaced myself geographically, my heart will always beat Bostonian and right now I feel more love than I have ever felt for that city. Patriots Day is a holiday and tradition celebrated exclusively in the region and consists of a morning game at Fenway and a night game at The Garden while the Marathon pours people into the heart of the city. It is a day of pride for Boston's unique and important history in our nation's independence and a day to enjoy family, friends and springtime in…

Jay Peak

Jay Peak has Mystique. As far North as you can drive in Vermont, it is the one major New England Ski mountain I have never sampled in all my years of obsession. You need to really want Jay all the way to drive by countless other great resorts and make the epic trek, but it is worth it. Jay Peak is unique in its terrain and has skiable trees everywhere, from steep one liners to gently sloping sapling slalom tracks. Getting lost in the glades of Timbuktu and running into the occasional ski area boundary sign feels about as remote…

Felix Baumgartner

When I stumbled onto a live feed of a man in a spacesuit ascending into the stratosphere with a helium balloon, preparing to JUMP OUT, I was terrified. Felix Baumgartner's plan was to break the sound barrier in the thin air 23 miles above the earth and freefall for over four minutes. I felt like I was watching Faces of Death: Live. As he opened the capsule door at 120,000 feet and stood on the edge, I knew this was the most extreme event I had ever witnessed; Mach 1 and spinning wildly it appeared to be the disaster I…

Reality: 14th Street

I made my meander on 14th St. from Avenue C to the Hudson, then got back to Union Square before the battery drained completely. Rolling the audiovisual party cart across town while projecting videos of 14th Street onto the sidewalk, buildings and people, it felt good to share my music with the surprised public, who were appreciative of the brief encounter. I'm not quite sure why I felt compelled to join the Art in Odd Places Festival or manifest the project in this way, but I dreamed it up and made it happen. For both artist and audience, it is…

Supergood Reality: 14th Street @AiOP 2012

Raquel de Anda makes art happen! When Alaina's college roomie moved to Brooklyn a few months ago, she was immediately integrated in numerous projects and coordinating art of all varieties. One of these is Art in Odd Places, an annual community art festival taking place all along 14th Street in Manhattan for 10 days, so I decided I would perform a sidewalk version of Supergood Reality. Since then, I have been visualizing what it would look like and considering infinite possibilities. Last night, it came alive! My Studio has been untethered! Into a "granny-cart" frame, I loaded a 12V battery,…


Humans built a machine and sent it to Mars. I am impressed by relatively simple technologies like cars, phones, cameras and computers, all of which have embedded themselves in our lives over the past century. The "Curiosity" rover takes all of these amazing inventions from our planet and brings them to another. The effort and cost is astronomical, but exploring our universe is priceless. We may not discover life on Mars, but we have reached beyond our own mortal, earth-bound lives to expand our celestial consciousness and seek understanding of our greater place in the eternal mystery of our existence.…

Guilty Pleasures

It's always frustrating to check in the the blog and see that I have completely ignored it for over a month. In this case, I am almost surely breaking my own record of days between posts. Not cool. And not that it's any real excuse but my laptop stopped working a few weeks ago and took me back to pre-digital age for a second. It was frightening. My music and video production was crippled and even though I still had the Internet in my pocket, I realized just how much I use that machine. So when I was told that…