
  I hate to hate, but there is really no other word that describes my absolute wretched disgust for our president. Every action he takes is expressly counter to my deepest and most cherished morals and values; his entire agenda is based on destruction, division, chaos and fear. He is a domestic shame and an international terror and it is completely incomprehensible to me that he could be an elected leader or that anyone would support his presidency. It is simply indefensible. Unfortunately, there is very little I can do to improve this situation externally, other than write about it…


Space jams.         The Cassini spacecraft is one of mankind's greatest achievements. Any projectile that reaches beyond our atmosphere excites me in a way that no other earthly conquest can move me. The information retrieved from this traveler is completely unbelievable to me - I literally have no way to personally corroborate it. The photos and videos might as well be digitally designed because it exists only in the farthest realms of visualization. And Saturn is only one of the planets in our solar system, which is one of billions in the universe. A hexagonal hurricane on…

Aural Flow

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