3:10 To Yuma

Who doesn't have a fascination with the Wild West? I hate murder more than anything in the world but justice can be sweet... This movie (2007 remake) tells the story of an outlaw captured and taken to prison while his henchmen attempt a violent rescue. At once a villain and a hero, he is confronted by an Everyman, a broke rancher playing a mercenary guard for morality. It is a head-to-head, psychological chess match between two great actors, Russell Crowe as corrupted Ben Wade and Christian Bale as family man Dan Evans. Westerns are about Honor more than anything else,…

Voodoo and Zombies

Last night we went to see a great production of Eugene O'Neill's The Emperor Jones at The Irish Rep. It is primarily one man's descent from "Emperor" into a voodoo-induced nightmare and John Douglas Thompson is awesome and terrifying in his psychosis. The scenery dances and puppets play ghosts as the audience journeys inside a head of madness. We then came home and watched Shaun of The Dead. I have never seen a movie that combines comedy, tragedy, love and horror in the same way. How scary would life be if the undead wandered the streets consuming human flesh? How…