
I love birthdays, especially my own. Yesterday was a really wonderful 24 hours of goodness and celebration, beginning with a midnight "Eclipse" viewing party. It's not really my thing (really, it's not...) but I had a good time being just one of the girls for the night. I taught all day at a school I love to be at, singing and playing with great kids, then met up with about 25 of my amazing friends at Toby's Public House for some pizza and beer. I credit my wife with organizing such a nice event, but I also credit everyone who…

Giving Thanks

I know I am incredibly fortunate to live the life I live; I am grateful for all the opportunities I've had and look forward to ones I will have in the future. When I try to wrap my head around why I am so lucky, it always comes back to my family... I mean, WOW! My parents have always been incredibly supportive and generous, providing me with everything and more, plus a brother and sister, who in turn have married/will marry two exceptionally wonderful people from Maine. This weekend was an extended family gathering in Cumberland, beginning with a surprise…

Fear of Islam

For months now, we have been subjected to a manufactured controversy over a proposed mosque "near" the site of the World Trade Center so I was almost relieved to hear that France's parliament just passed a law prohibiting burqas in public: it's not just our country but the whole world that's gone mad! What is wrong with you people? I can not conceive of a single legitimate reason why anyone would oppose either a mosque in lower Manhattan or a veil covering the face of a devout Muslim. It is completely insane. Sure, I've heard the "reasons" for not wanting…


On April 20, an explosion on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico caused a massive leak a mile below the ocean's surface. It was clear then that we were witnessing an historical catastrophe, and now, three weeks later, the oil continues to flow unchecked into our environment. Estimates of the damage have varied from bad to horrendous, and now there is video of the underwater oil geyser spewing forth its toxins into the environment. It is devastating. Having failed to contain it with a giant structure lowered to the seabed, BP admits that it's arsenal to stop the…


The Supergood ORG was hacked recently and I apologize to anyone who was randomly redirected away from the site. Luckily Matt at Bluehost Help Center worked it out, finding the offending code in my Wordpress Theme and eliminating it. I'm not going to take this cyber attack personally, and I am assuming that this is not a declaration of war on supergoodness, but it is still frightening how obviously vulnerable we are to dorks...


Ever since I celebrated what I considered to be one of the greatest political victories of all-time, it has been a constant losing battle. Obama's victory felt like such a reversal of bad trends that had consumed our country during the Bush administration, but since that peak in November 2008, we have been subjected to more of the same; more bailouts, more troops, more gay-marriage defeats, more inaction on climate change. On Tuesday, my home state of Massachusetts dealt me a blow by electing Scott Brown to fill Ted Kennedy's seat. When Kennedy died, I cried. He was a a…


Following our San Francisco theme, we watched the amazing Gus Van Sant film about gay rights activist Harvey Milk. His dedication to the cause is truly inspiring, fighting endlessly to provide a voice for his people in government. Though ultimately tragic, his life represented hope and love in a world of intolerance and hate. He may have spoken loudly for a small minority, but anyone who desires freedom and justice should consider him a true hero. Amazingly, he fought the beginning of the gay rights movement around the time of my birth and here we are, thirty years on and…

Roll Call Reprise

OK. The roll call I originally posted garnered two responses... And not coincidentally, those two readers happen to be my two biggest sources of good media and entertainment, keeping me abreast of all that's good in TV, cinema, literature and music. Clearly they are keeping up on things! To be clear, I don't write this blog for them, or any audience, so much as I write it for myself. Long before I wrote a blog, I wrote my thoughts in journals which evolved into a blog as the technology allowed. When I created the website, it was simply an…


Buckminster Fuller was a man from the future. His concepts and philosophies would still be considered progressive today, 80 years after he began to publish them. He coined the term "Spaceship Earth" and recognized the importance of minimizing our impact on our environment, striving always to do more with less, and devoting his life to making his philosophy practical by designing hyper-efficient houses and cars that maximized their resources, then applying the same principles to larger communities and even earth in "an experiment, to find what a single individual [could] contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity" (Wikipedia/NYTimes).…

Compound Error

The worst sort of mistakes are the ones you make because you made an earlier mistake. And worse yet are ones you make on top of those. I call these compound errors and I desperately try to stop myself from making them. Unfortunately, they can be the easiest ones to make. Mistakes happen. If we use them to learn and make better choices, then we become better people. I think the whole point of everything is to be the best you can be and how would you know what that is if you never made the worst choices?