Casey Allyn Young

I love my job. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to make music with children. They have the most amazing ability to live passionately and exclusively in the moment. Past and future have no real value to them and so every moment is absolutely vital. True, it means they sometimes cry when you take their drum away, but they are just expressing their love for that instrument without any possible way to rationalize it temporally. They are the best improvisers and demonstrate unbridled joy in all aspects of music. I am always inspired.

Casey was in my classes for the past year, joining me in my Music Together classes as well as my family Karaoke Jam, “Jammy?OK!” She had that radiance that only exists in our very youngest; that sense of wonder about everything that is still new at 22 months. She went to sleep on Friday and never woke up. I was enjoying a beautiful day on my balcony that day and watched several police cars and ambulances blaze up the street, unaware they were headed to Casey’s house around the corner. The next day I heard the news and was asked if I would play at her funeral. There are no words to express the sadness…

And so yesterday I brought my guitar to the Greenwood Cemetery, the one right across the street that I have always looked into without knowing anybody, and played some music that she loved in front of her tiny white coffin with a huge crowd of devastated family and friends grieving this inexplicable loss.

While her life may have been short by our standards and we lament everything she never got to do, I think she already had it figured out; she lived for the moment and for the truth. She saw everything as it is, not as we say it is, and she never ever lied. She lived a life that was completely pure and good. I believe that is the best we can ever live for.


  1. kristi frank

    Thank you for your music and beautiful words.

  2. Kerry Stalonas

    Stephen thank you for your words and music, and being there for our family. Your beautiful words and strum of your guitar are a constant reminder of Casey’s love and enjoyment. I hope you don’t mind, but I posted a link to your blog on my FB page as your words of ‘pure and good’ continue to resonate with me and shed a little peace during this time. peace, Kerry

  3. Eben Krim

    Thank you for your words and the beautiful way you helped honor and remember Casey. My wife and I have a 19 month old boy who takes multiple music classes in NJ and we were very moved and touched by your participation.

  4. Ellen Young

    Hey Stephen, just reread this like 5 times today, and although it makes me cry each time, it is followed by a slight smile, and I want to say thank you. I hope you are enjoying your summer, we think of you often.

  5. sjt

    Thank you for allowing me to share my music and be a part of your family’s life. With Love, Stephen

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