Cape Cod

Tennis, Golfing, Boating, Beaching, Cocktails, Croquet, BBQ, Family and Friends make for a quintessential Cape Cod long weekend. Despite the haze and burning smell from the Quebec forest fires, the air still has that sea-salty sweetness to it and brings me back to the summers of youth, spent engaged in all aforementioned activities for months at a time… Today I am lucky to find one or two weekends a year to spend in Osterville, but every day there is a master class in relaxation. This Memorial Day weekend’s tasty tease of summer has whet my appetite for the next few months, which will include travel, relaxation and recreation in Maine, Vermont, Italy, Spain, France and of course, Brooklyn!

1 Comment

  1. Sam

    Great Cape Cod weekend indeed! Great to see you last weekend, though we missed Alaina! Looking forward to seeing you (both?) up in Maine in a couple weeks, and we’re excited to introduce you to our new four-legged friend, Cooper!


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