
I remember exactly where I was when I read a tweet stating that Bernie Sanders was entering the presidential election; I was actually so overwhelmed with political pride and hope that I cried. Bernie has been my favorite politician for years: an independent renegade who actually takes principled stands on issues that matter to me.  His honesty and integrity in the House and Senate have always been inspiring and he is clearly guided by values that reflect my own. In short, he is a hero of mine and by announcing his candidacy, he instantly changed my outlook on the possibilities of presidential power. 

I immediately donated $10 then proceeded to read every piece of press on the matter that I could find, all of which were brief and somewhat dismissive. He was not considered a legitimate contender in any way, and as I began to talk with friends and family about it, the response was always the same: he would be great but it’s not gonna happen. I refused to accept this conventional wisdom; if people knew what he stood for they, too, would be moved to challenge their perceptions of American politics. In a time when we generally accept the status quo of monied interests pulling strings for financial gain, Bernie stands as a beacon of democracy, demanding that our government work for the people and leading by example, refusing to accept campaign financing that would compromise his independent integrity. 

Last night, I followed the Iowa caucuses in the media and could not have been more proud of the Bernie backers standing up to the machine and equalling Clinton’s numbers. It is the first of fifty fights, and if nothing else it has shown that what some dismissed as impossible may, in fact, be quite plausible, reasonable and necessary.

Dream with me now, about a political revolution that reunites our government with the will of the people, ignited by the people and pursued for the people, embodied by one man simply determined to improve life on earth in every possible way. I am grateful and excited to endorse Bernie Sanders for President!


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