And it’s only August 3rd!

I hate to brag, but this summer has been one of my best ever. The past month was pure chill, with European adventure and Vermont bliss. My last entry came just after our Italian leg, which was followed by two weeks in Catalonia, visiting the Bucklands in Barcelona and Borde Neuve. Surrounded by Americans, but soaking in Spanish and French culture, eating beautiful food and drinking local — as in backyard — wine. In Barcelona, Kevin introduced us to the squat scene, a truly bohemian free lifestyle, and I met up with two women who used to be au pairs in my home almost 25 years ago. I was inspired by the Picasso museum, which traces his art from youth to death, becoming astonishingly more and more primitive as his years increase (“À huit ans, j’étais Raphaël. Il m’a fallu toute une vie pour peindre comme un enfant ” Translation: At eight years old, I was Raphael. It took me a lifetime to paint like a child). We danced to reggae in the streets and bought beer from plastic bag dealers to drink all night wherever we went. We hung out with one of the most absurdly cute cats ever, Farnie… In France, the pace is even slower, allowing days of reading and music-making (I brought my laptop and mini keyboard.), punctuated by deliciously drawn-out meals… Walks in the vineyard valleys and up to the wind-whipped top of Bugarach, swimming in the Mediterranean and local rivers. Three weeks sped by through the languid pace and we were on a plane, headed home.

A night in Newton and dinner with Taylors then a brief return to Brooklyn to see friends and attend Beach House and The National at Prospect Park…

then up to Mt. Holly Vermont to bask in the comforting scenery of Strong Country, Appalachian Trail peaks and swimming holes; golfing and hot tubbing; smoking the best ribs, brisket and beer-can chicken I’ve ever tasted…

And back to Brooklyn. I am home and despite all the amazing experiences I’ve had over the past month, this is exactly where I want to be. Traveling offers new perspectives and challenges, all of which open the mind in crucial ways. When we leave our nest, our awareness is heightened and another culture’s quotidian rhythms create a parallel self that grows into and out of familiarity. Traveling is the greatest education and the most valuable experience for personal enrichment. I am lucky (although it is not entirely accidental) that my work patterns allow me to spend my summers freely and that a month of travel is an annual rite for me and I will continue to explore the world as long as I am able.

I am lucky to have the greatest travel partner in the world!


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